Monday, 28 December 2015

Pokémon Trainer Elsa Would Like To Battle

A few months ago, I made a series of window paintings for Le Mustache. Painting on windows was a brand-new and very exciting experience for me, so I finally decided to give my own windows a make-over, as well! Belgium doesn't seem to be getting any snow this winter, but I decided to go with a Frozen and Ice Pokémon theme. This painting took me about 7 hours to finish, mostly because the big surfaces took me ages to colour. I might consider buying bigger markers for my next project. In the end, I'm happy with this painting, and I would really love to make a different one for Spring.

See you next time,


Elsa, Olaf & Articuno Window Painting, December 2015

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Meooowy Christmas!

Happy holidays, Fablets and Foxies! I have this yearly tradition of making a very christmassy drawing of my cat Celesse to share with my friends on Facebook. Only this time, she is not alone! Meet Bit and Byte, the cutest gerbils that ever existed. They are very sociable, little creatures. As you may have noticed, this drawing is another attempt at using digital brushes. My goal is to make many more digital "paintings" in 2016. :D And even though I still need a lot of practice, it will all be so much easier with the brand-new graphics tablet that Niels got me for Christmas, a Wacom Intuos Comic.

I've got a new window painting coming up and you can also expect more moustaches soon. See you around!


A Very Fluffy Christmas, December 2015
Paint Tool Sai

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Fabled Fox For Life: A Happy Ending

Hi, guys! I'm very happy to announce that my creative fundraiser "Fabled Fox for Life" has come to an end. This project has been much more intense than I had initially expected or anticipated it to be. But don't get me wrong, I'm really happy! :D Thanks to my family and friends, I managed to raise a total of 800 euros. I made over 30 drawings in less than 5 weeks - that must be a personal record for sure. Even though I sometimes had absolutely no creative energy left after working hours, I know that this was all worth it. WAI-NOT is a small organisation with very big dreams!

Fabled Fox for Life, December 2015

Thank you, Niels, mom, and dad for sharing my project with the outside world and supporting me ("What the hell did you get yourself into this time?"). Thank you, WAI-NOT, for supporting my PhD research project. Thank you, Studio Brussel, for the awesome interview. And a big thank you to all my contributors (in order): mom and dad, Micheline, Marcia, Caroline, Tim and Tori, Ruth, Ann and Patrick, Anneleen, Sanne, Elke M., Peter, Dorien, Stefan, Fien, Elisa, Sofie, Pascale, Pieter-Jan, Valérie and Bart, Annelies, Liesbeth, Anja and Rudi, Elke D., Valerie H., Tony, aunt Renate and uncle Bart!

Oh, before I forget! Studio Brussel actually allowed me to pick a song to play on the radio. :D On Christmas Day! I couldn't be more excited to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. You can listen to my little monologue here. But be warned, as I might be speaking some kind of alien language (or Dutch). :)

OKAY! What shall we do next year? Be sure to contact me if you have any cool suggestions! A LAN party seems nice, so Niels and I might look into that option. Geek on and see you next time.


Saturday, 12 December 2015

Fabled Fox For Life: The Journey Continues

So, here we are. We have almost reached the end of "Fabled Fox for Life", my creative fundraiser for the WAI-NOT organisation! :) I have to admit, it has been such a weird month. In a good way, mostly. First of all, I have been drawing non-stop for almost five weeks, which means that people actually wanted to pay money for my art and support my cause. I certainly did not expect that and I am really thankful for this opportunity. I don't know yet exactly how much money I have raised, especially since some people still need to pay for their drawing, but I will be able to share the "happy ending" with you guys soon enough. :) Also, a lot of requests came from unexpected sources! It was so much fun to get to know people better and I hope they realise that I really appreciate their support.

Studio Brussel called me for a live interview on the radio. My boyfriend Niels and friend Jonas recorded the session. We talked about skiing mustaches (obviously) and the WAI-NOT organisation. It was really awesome! You can listen to the (Dutch) interview here:

I finished a total of 27 "traditional" requests and two "digital" ones. Actually, there were more of them, but I simply couldn't accept them all. These weeks have been so hectic, and all I did after work was drawing until I fell asleep. So I certainly did my best! :D The "traditional" requests have become more and more original: cartoons, realistic drawings, grown-up Aristocats, a Flareon, a picture of myself and my cousins, a picture in memory of people or animals who have passed away, and so on. The digital requests involved a Christmas card for the Red Cross and a birth announcement card for my friends. Obviously, I cannot post the birth announcement card yet, as it contains top-secret information! ;) But no worries, I will be able to share it with you guys soon enough.

My next post will officially conclude the Fabled Fox for Life action. You can expect some numbers (YAY FOR NUMBERS!) and some thankyouverymuches. :) See you soon, guys!


Christmas Card for the Red Cross, Fabled Fox For Life, December 2015
Paint Tool Sai

Fabled Fox for Life, December 2015
Pencil on paper