Sunday 5 April 2015

Gon x Killua

I love anime, but I often find it hard to keep up with the constant flood of episodes. However, my dear friend Netflix suggested me to watch "Hunter x Hunter", a Japanese series that was given an outstanding score on the IMDB website (A whopping average of 9.1/10 at this very moment). And that's exactly what I did. Hunter x Hunter is surprisingly funny and the character design is simply excellent. Gon and Killua are the youngest Hunters, but it seems like they are also the strongest and most ambitious ones. Gon uses a fishing rod to attack his enemies, while Killua (who looks simply adorable most of the time, squee) is a professional assassin. It's pretty funny how my good friend Sarah recently recommended the series to me, without knowing that I had already started watching it. :) Thumbs up!

I used a somewhat different style for this drawing, similar to the Vivi I drew two weeks ago. In the end, it didn't really turn out like a digital painting, because everything still seems a bit too clean. I'm not too happy about the fact that I had to use "sharp" lines to deal with all the little details. But I think this could pass as a regular manga drawing, and in that case, it is probably one of my best attempts so far. It took me about 6 hours to finish. 

Happy Easter. :D Go eat some delicious eggs!


Hunter x Hunter, April 2015
Paint Tool Sai

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