Sunday 4 October 2015

You Can't Outrun Me, We Both Have Short Legs!

Just a quick message to show you the final result of my Amethyst (Steven Universe) cosplay! I wore it last week at the F.A.C.TS. convention in Ghent. The purple body paint took me aaages. The most difficult part of aqua body paint is that you need some water to apply the paint, while trying not to remove it at the same time. That's crazy, right? I'm not sure if there are better ways to become a purple human (Eat a lot of eggplants?), but it still looked really good in the end. :D

Steven Universe is not really popular in Belgium, but I did meet quite a lot of people who wanted to take a picture and shared their love for Steven with me. :) I encountered a Barnacle Boy (from the Spongebob series) who got all excited and kept screaming "OMG, IT'S AMETHYST!" to a very puzzled Mermaid Man. It was really funny. :D A few days after the convention, I submitted my pictures to the Original Steven Universe Cosplay Blog. The response has been amazing. Steven Universe is really a big thing in America, and realising that people love your Amethyst cosplay is such a huge compliment!

Needless to say, I'm looking forward to my next cosplay challenge. I really want to start working on that Princess Garnet - White Mage (Final Fantasy 9) outfit, but I might also do a little Ramona Flowers (Scott Pilgrim) experiment soon!

This week, the Big Draw is coming to Leuven. I am involved in some of their activities. On Tuesday, I will be making a huge window painting for Le Mustache. My colleague and I are giving an interactive "university" course on pictographs for people with a mental disability on Thursday. And on Saturday, I will be organising an art workshop for children. It is going to be an amazing week, so expect pictures soon! :)

See you next time!


Amethyst Cosplay, September 2015

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