Friday 23 October 2015

The Big Draw #3: Workshop & Photo Diary

Good morning! You are now reading the third and final post of my The Big Draw series. On October 10, I gave a workshop for children (and my boyfriend, and his sister, because pourquoi pas) named "Draw with the Flow" in Le Mustache. We drew animals, moustaches, and anime characters on coffee cups. It was a 3.5-hour workshop with free entrance, but some of the children actually stayed with me from the very beginning until the very end. I have to admit, I was a little bit anxious to work with children at first (Excuse me, where is this kid's OFF button?), but these guys and girls were just extremely cute and polite! It was a great experience and I even got to meet Waldo - he was walking around in Leuven as part of one of the many events that were organised by The Big Draw.

Earlier that week, I was contacted by a journalist from Rondom Leuven, a regional magazine that gets distributed in over 75,000 households. They asked me (I STILL DON'T KNOW WHY THEY ASKED ME!1! BUT IT'S SO AWESOME!!11! CAPSLOCK!) to shoot a photo diary and write about my day at The Big Draw. I joined some of the activities in town, such as the Paper Jungle project in Gobelijn Strips, and took tons of pictures. Last week, Rondom Leuven dedicated one full page to my creative adventure. I feel so honoured! Thank you so much to everyone who made this possible. Le Mustache, Kunstwerkt, and Rondom, you guys are really awesome!

See you next time,


Pictures of my workshop and some of the activities we did in Leuven, October 2015

Photo diary in Rondom, October 2015

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