Saturday 17 October 2015

Our Final Fantasy

One month ago, my boyfriend Niels and I celebrated our 1.5 year anniversary (Yes, that's a thing!). I made a digital painting for him and printed it on a canvas. Secretly, I also wanted to decorate that empty wall in our office. :3 Don't tell him. (Well, he reads my blog anyway.)

When I started working last year, Niels visited me in Leuven once or twice a week. The other evenings, we would spend countless hours playing Final Fantasy XIV Online. I became a White Mage to make sure my lover would not get punched to death! After a few months of training, I joined Niels' static "Eurovision", a European gamer team consisting of 10 members. We would play together two or three times a week to fight difficult end-game bosses and make fun of each other through voice chat. :D Thanks to Niels and my friends in Final Fantasy XIV, I would never get bored after work!

This drawing features Niels and me wearing our Final Fantasy XIV main job's equipment, the White Mage robe and the Ninja gear. As usual, we're poking Moogles (KUPO?!). And I have no idea what the angry Chimera is doing there. :D The canvas looks pretty neat in our Final Fantasy-themed office. We actually have a huge Tidus (Final Fantasy X) wall scroll, as well. :)

See you again soon!


Our Final Fantasy, September 2015
Paint Tool Sai (printed on canvas)

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